Collection Development
The Library strives to support teaching and learning in the academic programmes by building a useful and balanced collection of resources in all major formats. To effectively fulfill this role, the Library needs the participation of faculties to recommend the resources or topic areas that are needed to support their programmes.
The Library makes the best effort to purchase all listed items required within the curriculum. The most updated version of the assigned textbooks and suggested reference books from Text and References of module outlines will be monitored and acquired. Up-to-date and detailed information provided by faculties certainly helps to facilitate the handling (e.g. shorten processing time).
Every now and then, the Library submits library collections documents to support the accreditation of academic programmes. Communications with faculties and programme directors are crucial for collection development and the success of programme validation.

Recommendations of Library Materials
Building a library collection is a collaborative process between faculty members and professional librarians. Faculty members can make recommendations for books, magazines, academic journals, databases, and more via various channels such as the recommendation exercises and events in every semester, or Library Materials Recommendation Form at any time. Feel free to contact us for adding new resources in your subject area.
Trials of new online databases are arranged regularly for faculty members’ feedback and comments for consideration of subscription.
Library Resources for Student Assignments
Student assignments determine whether students will be motivated to explore the resources available through the Library. Faculties are encouraged to evaluate library resources before designing an assignment, which in turn enhances student learning outcomes. Collaboration with librarians is welcomed if you have comments about resources in the Library.
The course-required library materials (e.g. textbooks and essential reference books) are in high demand from students. If there is an expected usage for the designated library materials by several students, faculties can consider placing the item under Course Reserve Collection to ensure accessibility of the materials for different students.

Library Licensed Resources
Library licensed resources are materials that have been purchased or subscribed to by the Library. They are more reliable, relevant to studies, and valuable to academic research. Students may be unaware that the library’s licensed resources are in any way different from what can be found on the Internet which may not go through a review process.
The Library provides convenient access to library licensed resources, so that faculty members can include permanent links directed to specific databases, journal articles and e-books to handouts, course packs, Moodle or other teaching materials easily.
For details about the service, please feel free to contact us.
Last update: 29 May 2024