香港詩人、香港科技大學講師陳康濤博士將帶大家從他的首本個人詩集《與靈魂有染》探索現代詩。這本詩集捕捉了城市中的愛與回憶,帶你穿越時間與記憶,與靈魂展開一場深層對話。參加者會獲得《與靈魂有染》乙本(先到先得)以及1 iGPS unit。名額有限,馬上報名,一起進入詩意的世界吧!
Hong Kong poet and lecturer at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Dr. Chan Hong To, will explore modern poetry through his debut solo collection《與靈魂有染》. The poetry captures love and memory, taking you into a deep conversation with your soul. Participants will get the book (first-come-first-served) and also 1 iGPS unit. Click below link to sign up now!