opening hours

Library Opening Hours for the Period 4-17 January 2021

In line with the current practices adopted by the University during the current phase of the epidemic, please note the updated Library opening hours and the arrangement of regulated access to its collection for the period 4-17 January 2021 below:

  Monday to Friday Saturday


(24 Hours
Opening Area)

8:30 am – 7:00 pm 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
1/F 8:30 am – 7:00 pm 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
(Please refer to Special Arrangements No. 3 below)
Special arrangements:
1. Library is closed on Sunday and Public Holidays, except 24 Hours Opening Area.
2. Library opening hours are subject to change without prior notice. Please check Library Opening Hours before visiting the Library.
3. Limited access to services on the 2/F will be provided. Users who need to borrow items from the Multi-media Collection can approach the Service Counter on the 1/F for assistance.



  1. Before entering the Library, users’ body temperature should be checked by the security guard at the security station at Block A. If users have a fever or any respiratory symptoms, they should refrain from entering the Library and seek medical consultation immediately.
  2. Users must wear surgical masks at all time inside the Library.
  3. Users are advised to keep appropriate social distance, e.g. at least 1 metre apart, from each other whenever practicable.
  4. Please check the points for users to note, which is placed at the Library entrance, before entering the Library.
  5. To reduce the risk of the spread of the coronavirus in confined places, the Library reserves the right to regulate the admission of users or deny users’ access to the Library in anticipation of crowdedness within the Library premises in a particular time session.

HSUHK Library

Last update: 30 December 2020