身為圖書館使用者,你對圖書館有什麼想法?💭 喜歡圖書館的氛圍?還是希望有更多新設備或服務?機會來啦!
我們誠邀你來參加 Library Circle,圖書館員會和大家面對面交流,聽聽你的想法,也讓你更了解我們的工作和圖書館發展。你也可以提出建議一起令圖書館變得更好。馬上掃二維碼或點擊鏈結報名參加吧!📚✨
As a library user, what do you think about the library? 💭
Do you love the vibe here? Or are you hoping for more new facilities or services? It’s your chance!
We warmly invite you to join Library Circle! Librarians will be there to chat with you, listen to your thoughts, and share more about our work and the library’s future developments. You can also share your suggestions—let’s make the library even better together! Scan the QR code or register through the link below. Join us now!📚✨