香港恒生大學圖書館 10 週年真人圖書館系列:恒圖當年今日 – 十年前遷館的那個暑假 (4 Aug 2023)

Human Library 2

香港恒生大學圖書館 10 週年真人圖書館系列:
恒圖當年今日 – 十年前遷館的那個暑假

歡迎大家參與真人圖書館!周偉明先生與陳敬珊女士會跟大家輕鬆講一些當時趣事,分享搬館十年前後恒大圖書館(當時恒管圖書館)的不同。在M Building 5 樓時的圖書館是怎樣的?當年同時搬圖書館及轉換圖書館自動化系統有什麼難度?新的何善衡教學大樓初入伙是怎樣的?透過真人分享,讓大家回味恒圖當年今日。

講者:周偉明先生 & 陳敬珊女士
日期:4th August 2023
時間:4:00 pm – 5:00 pm


周偉明先生現在為香港樹仁大學圖書館館長。他先後在香港樹仁大學、理工大學轄下專業及持續教育學院、嶺南大學和新加坡科技設計大學的圖書館工作, 主要擔任圖書館系統部門主管(Systems Librarian)一職,亦曾經負責電子資源管理及讀者服務的工作。周先生曾經在2012至2014年期間在恒生管理學院(現為香港恒生大學)圖書館任職,參與了圖書館搬遷及系統升級。






HSUHK Library 10th Anniversary Human Library Series
HSUHK Library 10 years ago today – The move from M Building to A Building

Join us in the HSUHK Human Library. Mr. Joe Chow and Ms. Shandi Chan will share with the audience with the stories and challenges around the move of HSMC Library from M Building to A Building 10 years ago, in the 2012 summer. How did the HSMC Library look like when it was in M building 5th floor? Did the new Library site matched with the expectation? Through this sharing, let’s reminisce about the HSUHK Library of the past.

Speakers: Mr. Joe Chow & Ms. Shandi Chan
Date: 4th August 2023 (Friday)
Time: 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Venue: Stella Fung Siu Wan Space For All, G/F of HSUHK Library
Language: Cantonese
Enrolment: Register Here

Speakers Bio:

Mr. Joe Chow
Mr. Joe Chow is now the University Librarian at Hong Kong Shue Yan University Library. He worked in the libraries of Hong Kong Shue Yan University, College of Professional and Continuing Education (CPCE), PolyU, Lingnan University and Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) as the head of the library systems (Systems Librarian), and was also responsible for electronic resource management and user services. Mr. Chow worked at Hang Seng Management College (now the Hang Seng University of Hong Kong) from 2012 to 2014 and participated in library relocation and system migration.

Ms. Shandi Chan
Ms. Shandi Chan has joined The Hang Seng School of Commerce (now the Hang Seng University of Hong Kong) since 2009. During the initial establishment of the Library, she provided core support in building up the library collection for new academic programmes and filling in the subject gaps. Upon completion of the Master of Information Studies, she has served as the Acquisitions Librarian in the Library to oversee acquisition of all kinds of library resources and to participate in collection development.