Exhibition of VolTrekkers Service-learning Award and Training Scheme 2017/18

VolTrekkers Service-learning Award and Training Scheme (VolTrekkers) is organized by SAO aiming at providing solid service-learning experience for students of HSMC and fostering them to become global citizens. With the generous support from Hong Kong Shun Lung Yan Chak Foundation Limited (香港順龍仁澤基金會), VolTrekkers 2017/18 was concluded successfully.

The exhibition of VolTrekkers held in the Library will be showcasing the achievement of its participants, who have organized a series of service-learning projects catering to the needs of people in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Cambodia. You are cordially invited to know more about their service-learning experience and the impact to society.

Date: 8 October (Monday) – 19 October 2018 (Friday)

Venue: Exhibition Area, G/F, Library, S H Ho Academic Building (Block A)

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