The Centre for Humanistic Buddhism Talk – 孫子兵法和菩薩心腸
24 November 2022
Stella Fung Siu Wan Space for All @ HSUHK Library
Dr. Yau Yat is the executive director of Academy of Chinese Studies, he also is an expert in The Art of War. He is currently the Board of Directors of The Hong Kong Institute for Promotion of Chinese Culture, member of the CDC-HKEAA Committee on Citizenship and Social Development, advisor of the Hong Kong Museum of History. The relationship between soldiers and war are inseparable, so people think it was unlucky. However, Dr. Yau would use topic as “The Art of War and kind-heartedness” to narrate the wisdom form The Art of War.
The Centre for Humanistic Buddhism Talk – 當佛陀遇上中環
30 November 2022
Stella Fung Siu Wan Space for All @ HSUHK Library
The event “當佛陀遇上中環” examined the intersection between Buddhism and commerce. Buddhism emphasis on inner peace, yet the business industry operates in a fast-paced and competitive environment. Would Buddhism be relevant in the modern world? What would be the Buddha’s daily routine if He lived in Central? During the event, the speakers and the students had inspiring discussions about the application of Buddhist principles within the commercial and business sectors.
Last update: 13 November 2023