Centre for Humanistic Buddhism Sharing

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Buddhism and Psychological Counselling Sharing 佛教與心理諮商 – 向衍空法師請益

22 July 2022

Space for All @ HSUHK Library

On 22 July 2022, Venerable Sik Hin Hung (衍空法師), Director and one of the Founding Fellows of the Centre of Buddhist Studies of The University of Hong Kong, shared his concepts of Buddhist counselling on different aspects in this sharing session organized by the Centre for Humanistic Buddhism.

Ven. Sik is a pioneer and entrepreneur in the promotion of Buddhist teaching and Buddhism. He was the one who first came up with the idea of launching a Centre of Buddhist Studies in HKU and later on served as the Director of the Centre for years. He has designed and launched the Master of Buddhist counselling programme and the Postgraduate Diploma in Professional Practice of Buddhist Counselling Programme which have proven to be very popular. More importantly, Buddhist counselling, as an indigenously developed psychosocial intervention, is now available to people in Hong Kong that need psychotherapeutic counselling.


Last update: 22 August 2022