Gale Primary Source is now available on trial! 2 major collections of Gale Primary Source are now on... 10 May Databases on Trial: Gale Primary Source Frankie TSANG | E-Resources | 0 Gale Primary Source is now available on trial! 2 major collections of Gale Primary Source are now on...
Nowadays, it is already a norm to interact and collaborate with Chinese institutions and businesses in many ways, and... 29 Apr Database of the month – 北大法寶 PKULAW Helen KEE (LIB) | E-Resources | 0 Nowadays, it is already a norm to interact and collaborate with Chinese institutions and businesses in many ways, and...
ScienceDirect (via Elsevier) is now available in the Library! The database provides access to ebooks and full-text peer-reviewed journal... 19 Apr New Library Database – ScienceDirect (via Elsevier) Helen KEE (LIB) | E-Resources | 0 ScienceDirect (via Elsevier) is now available in the Library! The database provides access to ebooks and full-text peer-reviewed journal...
ProQuest One Psychology is now available on trial until 30 April! It is a comprehensive resource for psychology-related studies... 08 Apr Databases on Trial: ProQuest One Psychology & De Gruyter Journals and eBooks Helen KEE (LIB) | E-Resources | 0 ProQuest One Psychology is now available on trial until 30 April! It is a comprehensive resource for psychology-related studies...
Scopus is now available on trial! With Scopus AI embedded, you can find reliable academic resources for... 14 Mar Database on Trial: Scopus (Scopus AI embedded) Frankie TSANG | E-Resources | 0 Scopus is now available on trial! With Scopus AI embedded, you can find reliable academic resources for...
The database Digital Theatre+ is available for trial now. We look forward to your feedback! Database: Digital Theatre+ Description:... 15 Dec Database on Trial (Digital Theatre+) Helen KEE (LIB) | E-Resources | 0 The database Digital Theatre+ is available for trial now. We look forward to your feedback! Database: Digital Theatre+ Description:...
Christmas is coming! The Library has prepared a Calendar for you to get an eBook or an article about... 12 Dec X’mas Calendar 2023 (11 – 23 Dec 2023) Helen KEE (LIB) | E-Resources | 0 Christmas is coming! The Library has prepared a Calendar for you to get an eBook or an article about...
After the Library system migration, the Library link in Google Scholar was changed from ‘Get it @ HSUHK’ to... 24 Nov Updated news of getting Library E-Resources via Google Scholar Helen KEE (LIB) | E-Resources | 0 After the Library system migration, the Library link in Google Scholar was changed from ‘Get it @ HSUHK’ to...
The following databases are available for trial, and we look forward to your feedback: Database: ProQuest One Business Description: ProQuest... 22 Nov Databases on Trial (ProQuest One Business & others) Helen KEE (LIB) | E-Resources | 0 The following databases are available for trial, and we look forward to your feedback: Database: ProQuest One Business Description: ProQuest...
The following databases are available for trial, and we look forward to your feedback: Database: HSTalks – The... 09 Nov Databases on Trial (HSTalks & Kono Libraries) Frankie TSANG | E-Resources | 0 The following databases are available for trial, and we look forward to your feedback: Database: HSTalks – The...