Art and Design Public Lectures (AY 2021-22)

Architecture, Culture and Language

13 April 2022

Via Zoom

The speaker Professor Alexander Law is both an architect and an artist. He has talked about architecture as a form of non-verbal expression of cultures, together with the interaction among architecture, culture, language and art. A detailed illustration of representation of a building over time and space and the importance of town planning are shared.


Chinese Painting Scroll ‧ Feitian – Revelation from Dunhuang Murals

9 March 2022

Via Zoom

The speaker of the lecture, Ms Jor Yin Fun, is the Director of White Box Studio and Secretary of White Box Friends. She has shared her road of discovery to the art of corn husks and the stories behind shaping numerous figurines in Chinese and Renaissance style with the material. Her pioneer use of corn husk in modelling Dunhuang Feitian in 2019 together with the creation of the Chinese painting scroll is highlighted.


15.50.100: A Journey in Performance

22 October 2021

Space for All @ HSUHK Library

何嘉坤女士為香港藝術節行政總監,香港藝術節每年春季舉辦 300 多場表演和活動,關注本地、區域、國際藝術家和表演團體的古典及創新作品,而香港藝術節的「無限亮」系列則致力於創造共融空間,讓不同能力人士均可以一同欣賞、參與、擁抱藝術。 何女士現為國際表演藝術協會(ISPA)董事局主席。她亦是韓國統營市的名譽公民,並且在意大利米蘭的史卡拉歌劇院學院國際學院任教。 她於 2019 年獲得澳大利亞昆士蘭格里菲斯大學(Griffith University)博士學位,並於 2020 年獲香港美國商會頒發「最具影響力女性」獎,2021 年當選為中國文藝評論家協會會員並獲香港特區政府頒授榮譽勳章。

Ms Tisa Ho, Executive Director of the Hong Kong Arts Festival (HKAF), shared with the audience her experience in performance and art administration in the public lecture organized by the Department of Art and Design.

Tisa currently chairs the Board of ISPA. She is also proud Honorary Citizen of Tong Yeong in S Korea and is on the international faculty of the Accademia Teatro alla Scala in Milan, Italy.


Last update: 13 May 2022