一覺醒來,你發現身旁沒有了手機,四周的一切都顯得陌生而古老。細細一看,身邊的衣物也變成了古代的服裝,才察覺自己竟穿越回了古代…… 僅憑自己的能力,你能否在古代活得瀟灑自如?圖書館今期好書角主題為「古代社會生活指南」,一起來看看古人的生活智慧吧!
One day you wake up to find your surroundings unfamiliar and ancient. You realise you’ve travelled back to the past… With your own, can you thrive in ancient times? This issue of the Good Read Corner explores the theme “Life in the Past”. Let’s discover the wisdom and experiences of our ancestors!