Subject Highlight – English Language

(April 2017/Issue 85)


How to read an English e-Journal effectively in three steps?


1. Locate an English language journal title from E-Journals A-Z, search under the subject category of Language and Linguistics.


2. Check the publication information of your selected journal title, mark down the ISSN, publication type and description. For example, Journal of English for Academic Purposes, ISSN: 1475-1585, which is an academic journal, the journal provides a forum for the dissemination of information and views which enables practitioners of and researchers in EAP to keep current with developments in their field.


3. View the abstract, keywords (subject terms) and references list in your selected full-text article. If find useful then download the pdf or bookmark the URL, such as What do subject experts teach about writing research articles? An exploratory study


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