Junzi University

  • 香港恒生大學是唯一一所香港高等院校在校園廣泛種植竹子,以及在新建築物內大量採用竹材料,如牆飾、傢具及地板等。
    - 可持續發展與環保概念
    - 竹象徵正直、剛毅、虛心與有節氣,結合優雅與力量
    - 崇尚竹的君子核心價值

    HSUHK is the only higher education institution in Hong Kong which widely plants bamboo on campus and extensively uses bamboo material in all new buildings.
    - Sustainable and eco-friendly
    - Bamboo signifies integrity with resilience, and a perfect balance of grace and strength
    - HSUHK upholds the core values of Junzi

  • 綠建環評最高級別的鉑金認證。香港恒生大學是本港首間獲得是項殊榮的高等院校,在保護環境及推行可持續校園方面所作的努力獲得肯定。

    HSUHK is the first higher education institution in Hong Kong to receive the highest BEAM Plus Platinum recognition from the Hong Kong Green Building Council. With all its new buildings having received such recognition, HSUHK is affirming the University’s commitment to environmental protection and campus sustainability.

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