The Founders
- 1933年,幾位具創業精神的商界精英創立恒生銀號 (現為恒生銀行)。恒生銀行創辦人懷著「取諸社會,用諸社會」的熱誠,為社會謀福利,並熱衷為年輕一代的教育作出貢獻。
- 1965年,香港銀行業遭遇重大危機,多間華資銀行相繼倒閉。然而,恒生商學書院的籌創人並未因此放棄辦學的念頭。 自1960年代初期開始探討建校的可行性,申請以免地價方式撥地建校,並商定校址。最終於1980年正式成立恒生商學書院。隨後,為了擴建校園,恒商申請成為直接資助院校,這些都有賴利國偉爵士與政府持續討論,並遊說各界有影響力人士提供支持。經過多年的努力,最終為學校奠定堅實的基礎。
- In 1933, several entrepreneurial pioneers established Hang Seng Bank. The Founders of Hang Seng Bank were dedicated to benefiting society with a spirit of giving back and were passionate about contributing to educating younger generations.
Dr Ho Sin-hang, the Founder and Chairman of the Board of the Hang Seng School of Commerce (HSSC), was one of these pioneers. Since the construction of the HSSC campus in 1979, HSSC decided to remain independent of regular funding from the Government. A foundation fund of HK$80 million was already set up with benevolent donations from the S H Ho Foundation, the Ho Tim Charitable Foundation, Dah Chong Hong Limited, several founding directors of Hang Seng Bank, and Hang Seng Bank Limited, creating a stable financial ground for the School. There were also other generous supporters who contributed to the development of HSSC.
- In 1965, the Hong Kong banking sector faced a significant crisis, leading to the closure of several local banks. However, the Founders of the Hang Seng School of Commerce did not abandon their vision to establish an educational institution.
In the early 1960s, they explored the feasibility of building a school, applied for land, and finalised the campus location. HSSC was officially established in 1980. Subsequently, to expand the campus, HSSC applied to become a direct subsidy school. This effort was made possible with Sir Lee Quo-wei’s ongoing discussions with the Government and his advocacy for support from influential figures. After years of effort, a solid foundation was laid for the institution.