The University mace


The University mace
香港恒生大學權杖全長1.25米,重8公斤,上綴金黃色圓球,刻有恒大校徽和校訓 「博學篤行」,頂端四塊銀色扇形薄片,象徵四項恒大「期望的畢業生特質 (iGPS)」,包括智能/思考能力 (i)、共通技能 (G)、個人發展 (P) 和投入社群 (S)。四塊銀扇薄片內的圓球,比喻學院的國際視野。


恒生大學不但在校園多處種植竹子,其樓宇裝飾及家具亦廣泛採用竹製材料。 在中國傳統文化中,竹代表君子。它具備柔韌而堅實的特性,竹節則有氣節的喻意;竹莖中空,象徵謙卑和簡樸,比喻君子虛懷若谷以及有容乃大的胸襟。
The University Mace
The “HSUHK Mace” is 1.25M in length and 8KG in weight. The headpiece is gold-plated with each of the four sides featuring the HSUHK emblem and the motto “Erudition and Perseverance”. On top of the headpiece are four silver coloured fan-shaped blades symbolising the University’s four desired graduate attributes (iGPS): Intellectual Competence (i), Generic Skills (G), Personal Development (P) and Social Engagement (S). Encompassed by the fan-shaped blades is a globe, which indicates the University's emphasis on global perspectives.

The shaft of the mace is made of gold-plated metal, shaped like the stem of a bamboo plant with corrugated bamboo joints. The base is a globe decorated with clusters of bamboo leaves.

In designing the mace, the bamboo motif was chosen because it echoes the extensive use of bamboo in the University campus’ landscape and furnishings. In Chinese culture, bamboo symbolises the virtues of a Confucian gentleman (“junzi” 君子), connoting uprightness with a perfect balance of grace and strength. The bamboo plant has joints (“jie” 節) on its trunk, which denotes moral courage (“jie” 節 is the same Chinese character used in “qijie” 氣節), and the trunk is hollow, a metaphor for the humility and open-mindedness of a gentleman.