The University mace 大學權杖
Chinese calligraphy of HSUHK Motto 香港恒生大學校訓書法:博學篤行 (饒宗頤教授題字)(2:3縮印複製品)
Chinese Calligraphy of HSUHK Motto: Erudition and Perseverance (Inscription by Professor Jao Tsung-i) (2:3 Reduced-scale replica)
Approval letter from EDB 教育局批准恒生管理學院正名為香港恒生大學的信件(複印本),2018年10月30日
Approval Letter from the Education Bureau Regarding the Name Change of HSMC to HSUHK (Replica), 30 October 2018
Silver platter 1990年,恒商校友會送贈銀碟慶祝創校十周年紀念。
HSSC Alumni Association presents a silver platter to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the School in 1990.
Approval letter for the launch of degree programmes 2010年,工商管理(榮譽)學士學位課程、供應鏈管理工商管理(榮譽)學士學位課程和商務翻譯(榮譽)學士學位課程通過審批的書信證明(複印本)
Approval letter for the launch of the Bachelor of Business Administration (Honour), Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) in Supply Chain Management and Bachelor of Translation with Business (Honours) programmes, 2010 (Replica)
Building Foundation-Photo_01 恒生商學書院校址,1979年。圖片中間為書院奠基典禮的場地。
HSSC campus site, 1979. The venue of the Foundation Ceremony of HSSC shown in the centre of the photograph.
Building Foundation-Photo_02 1979年11月2日,時任港督麥理浩爵士主持奠基典禮。
The foundation stone laid by Sir Murray MacLehose, then Governor of Hong Kong, on 2 November 1979.
Building Foundation-Photo_03 1979年11月2日,時任恒生商學書院校務委員會主席兼校監利國偉爵士在奠基典禮上致辭。
Sir Lee Quo-wei, then Council Chairman and Supervisor of HSSC, delivers a speech during the Foundation Stone Laying Ceremony on 2 November 1979.
Gaining Recognition-Photo_01 1981年2月12日,時任港督麥理浩爵士主持恒商揭幕典禮。
Sir Murray MacLehose, then Governor of Hong Kong, officiates at the inauguration ceremony of HSSC on 12 February 1981.
Gaining Recognition-Photo_02 1982年10月20日,時任布政司夏鼎基爵士於恒商首屆畢業典禮中致辭。
Sir Philip Haddon-Cave, then Chief Secretary, delivers his address at the first HSSC graduation ceremony on 20 October 1982.
Gaining Recognition-Photo_03 1990年,時任港督衞奕信爵士出席恒商十周年慶祝活動。
In 1990, Sir David Wilson, then Governor of Hong Kong, officiates at HSSC’s 10th anniversary celebrations.
Gaining Recognition-Photo_04 恒生商學書院舉辦開放日,1995年
HSSC Open Day, 1995
Transformation and Expansion-Photo_01 N座教學大樓 (現為羅許潔珊樓)於2008年落成。圖片攝於2010年。
Block N (now the Lo Hui Kit San Building) is completed in 2008. Photo taken in 2010.
Transformation and Expansion-Photo_02 2010年,時任特首曾蔭權先生為恒生管理學院成立典禮揭幕。
In 2010, the Hon Donald Tsang Yam-kuen, then Chief Executive of the HKSAR, officiates at the inauguration ceremony of Hang Seng Management College.
Transformation and Expansion-Photo_03 第三屆學士學位及第四屆副學士學位畢業典禮 ,2014年
Graduation Ceremony for the 3rd cohort of the Degree Programme and the 4th cohort of the Associate Degree Programme, 2014
Transformation and Expansion-Photo_04 恒生管理學院賽馬會學生舍堂動土儀式 ,2014年
HSMC Jockey Club Student Residence Halls Groundbreaking Ceremony, 2014
Transformation and Expansion-Photo_05 2015年,時任特首梁振英先生與何順文校長在電台節目中對談。
In 2015, the Hon Leung Chun-ying, then Chief Executive of the HKSAR, has a conversation with President Simon Ho on a radio programme.
Transformation and Expansion-Photo_06 2015年,恒管聯同聯合國教科文組織—亞太地區教育創新促進發展計劃,舉辦「可持續發展與竹國際研討會」。
In 2015, Hang Seng Management College, in collaboration with UNESCO-APEID, hosts the “International Conference on Sustainable Development and Bamboo”.
Advance as University Embrace the Future-Photo_01 2018年,恒生管理學院獲香港特別行政區政府批准正名為「香港恒生大學」。
Hang Seng Management College is granted approval by HKSAR to be renamed “The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong” in 2018.
Advance as University Embrace the Future-Photo_02 時任特首林鄭月娥女士出席2019年校慶日暨大學正名晚宴。
The Hon Mrs Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor, then Chief Executive of the HKSAR, officiates at 2019 Founder’s Day cum University Naming Dinner.
Advance as University Embrace the Future-Photo_03 香港恒生大學於2020年5月成立香港第一所榮譽學院。
HSUHK sets up Hong Kong’s first Honours Academy in May 2020.
Advance as University Embrace the Future-Photo_04 香港恒生大學第一屆榮譽博士學位頒授典禮 ,2021年
First HSUHK Honorary Doctorate Conferment Ceremony, 2021
Advance as University Embrace the Future-Photo_05 2024年,香港恒生大學於西九龍文化區M+大樓開設全新市區中心「創意薈」的開幕典禮
Opening Ceremony of The Create, HSUHK’s new town centre at M+ Tower in the West Kowloon Cultural District, 2024
Advance as University Embrace the Future-Photo_06 香港恒生大學45周年校慶啟動禮,2025年
HSUHK 45th Anniversary Celebration Kick-off Ceremony, 2025
The Founders-Photo_01 1988年,何善衡博士與學生交談。
Dr Ho Sin-hang talks to students in 1988.