Chinese calligraphy of HSUHK Motto
Chinese calligraphy of HSUHK Motto
香港恒生大學校訓書法:博學篤行 (饒宗頤教授題字)(2:3縮印複製品)
Chinese Calligraphy of HSUHK Motto: Erudition and Perseverance (Inscription by Professor Jao Tsung-i) (2:3 Reduced-scale replica)
「博學篤行」源出《禮記.中庸》「博學之,審問之,慎思之,明辨之,篤行之。」以及 《禮記.學記》「博學而不窮,篤行而不倦。」
The origins of “Erudition and Perseverance” come from the chapters “Zhongyong” (The Doctrine of the Mean) and “Xueji” (The Record on the Subject of Education) in Liji (The Book of Rites), one of the Chinese classics describing the social forms, administration and ceremonial rites of ancient China.
“Erudition” means to acquire comprehensive knowledge and be innovative in a magnanimous and lenient manner; while “Perseverance” means to be dedicated and persistent despite difficulties with a never-give-up spirit. The motto advocates for a combination of knowledge and practice, encouraging us to apply academic knowledge to real-world life and advance the learning outcomes through practice.