HA-Global Immersion Programme 2023
- Title
- HA-Global Immersion Programme 2023
- Description
榮譽學院舉辦「海外沉浸計劃」,赴新加坡交流,2023年1 月
Honours Academy students in Singapore as part of the Global Immersion Programme, January 2023 - 榮譽學院為經極嚴謹挑選的學生提供為期三年的額外跨學科與領袖培訓,培育未來公共領袖。
- The Honours Academy offers carefully selects students for a 3-year interdisciplinary and focused leadership training programme in addition to the regular curriculum, nurturing them to become public leaders in the future.
- Item sets
- Strong Foundations Beget Proper Ways
- Site pages
- “Liberal + Professional” Education Model