Amboise 昂布瓦斯
Amboise 昂布瓦斯
Professor Hui Cheuk Kuen, Desmond (許焯權教授)
I just attended the Exhibition celebrating the 500th Anniversary of Leonardo da Vinci’s death at the Louvre Museum in Paris and was informed that the great artist spent his last 3 years at the Chateau du Clos Lucé in Amboise, where I was intending to visit on a short trip to the Chateaux de la Loire. Leonardo reportedly finished three of his paintings here: John the Baptist, St Anne and La Gioconda (otherwise known as Mona Lisa) – remarkable for an artist who only did 15 paintings in his entire life. As guest of Francis I, Leonardo must have found Amboise special and inspiring; thus I decided to make it my final stop in my pilgrimage for the genius. And after a week of gloomy weather, this was the first morning with a glimpse of the sun from my hotel room.
我剛在巴黎羅浮宮看完紀念達芬奇逝世五百週年的大展,正要出發到他度過人生最後三年的地方,盧瓦爾河畔的小鎮昂布瓦斯。據說達芬奇作為法蘭西一世的貴賓,住在克勞斯.呂斯城堡時完成了他的三幅傑作 - 約翰施洗、聖安妮、與及吉奧亢多(即蒙羅麗莎)。這位藝術大師一生只畫了十五幅油畫,故此昂布瓦斯或許對達芬奇來說,真的是個特別和有啓發性的地方。所以我也將它定為這次為這位天才朝聖旅程的終點,亦想不到經歷了差不多一星期的陰暗天氣,在這裡第一次在旅館的房間看到清晨的太陽。
Date Created
February 10, 2020
Spatial Coverage
Amboise, France