Fondation Louis Vuitton 路易威登基金會


Fondation Louis Vuitton 路易威登基金會
Professor Hui Cheuk Kuen, Desmond (許焯權教授)
“The project is a dream, so the first idea was to create a dream. I wanted to create a dream for Bernard Arnault who has been dreaming about it.” Frank Gehry
“I dream – I dream of designing a magnificent vessel for Paris that symbolizes France’s profound cultural vocation.” F O G (Frank O Gehry)

Following a meeting in Paris, I visited the newly opened landmark designed by the world renown architect Frank Gehry – the Fondation Louis Vuitton. This was another major commission by Gehry after the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao of Spain. However, since the two buildings are very similar in style, the French project perhaps loses out in its initial visual impact to its Spanish predecessor. But as a private foundation contributing to the construction of a public facility in a world cultural capital, the Paris example may be more illuminating as a case study than the Bilbao one. Situated in the Jardin d’Acclimatation, the building is perhaps a modern anthropological demonstration of how the private realm acclimatizes to the public (or vice versa)! My painting features a couple of peacocks strolling in the grounds of the garden, as one of the last remaining biological connection to the park’s zoological origin.

Bernard Arnault is the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of LVMH and President of the LVMH Group as well as the Fondation Louis Vuitton.


「我發夢 - 我夢想為巴黎這個象徴法蘭西深邃文化地位及作為設計的一艘巨船。」F O G (法蘭克蓋瑞)

趁著到巴黎開會順道參觀由建築大師法蘭克蓋瑞設計的剛落成開幕的新地標路易威登基金會,這是繼西班牙畢爾包古根漢博物館以來,蓋瑞的另一驚世傑作。不過由於設計的風格與畢爾包非常相似,故此沒有當年讓人眼前一亮的震撼,但作為私人機構在巴黎這個世界文化之都建設公共的文化設施,這個案例也許比畢爾包更值得其他城市研究和學習: 這棟建築物座落在動植物公園旁,也許是一個現代版的人類學案例,驗證私人及公共領域怎樣在氣候環境上互相適應!我的水彩畫描繪了一對在公園草地上閒逛的孔雀,正好是與公園最原始的動物內容保持著歷史關係的一點生物上的聯繫。
Date Created
January 28, 2018
Spatial Coverage
Jardin d'Acclimatation, Paris, France
Site pages
Part I