Sichongxi Hot Spring 四重溪溫泉
Sichongxi Hot Spring 四重溪溫泉
Professor Hui Cheuk Kuen, Desmond (許焯權教授)
The Sichongxi Hot Spring in Pingtung is one of the most traditional Japanese hotspring hotels in Taiwan. The reason for this is that it was visited by Nobuhito, Prince Takamatsu , the brother of Emperor Showa (Hirohito), during his honeymoon in 1935. The building depicted by this painting houses the room and bathroom used by the Prince and his wife – it has been well preserved by the hotel establishment. Guests today have the privilege of imagining life back in those times. Perhaps they might catch a glimpse of princely couples while dining or bathing on the premises!
Prince Takamatsu was interested in the arts and became an important patron including Honorary President of the Japan Art Association which set up the Praemium Imperiale International Prize since 1989 in his memory and awarded by the royal family for painting, sculpture, architecture, music, theatre/film.
臺灣屏東縣的四重溪溫泉可算是最有日本傳統及風格的溫泉之一。這是因為1935年當時昭和天皇的弟弟高松宮宣和親王 曾與他的新婚妻子在這裡度過蜜月假期。旅館後來為了紀念這次日本皇室的到訪將他們住過的房舍都保育下來。這幅速寫就是高松宮殿下所下榻的地方。今天這旅館的住客有幸可以想像穿越時空,回到當年親王伉儷下榻這裡的景況,或許能捕捉皇室驚鴻一瞥的身影!
高松宮親王對藝術有濃厚興趣,是日本多個文化及藝術組織的贊助人,包括日本美術協會的名譽會長。 「高松宮殿下記念世界文化賞」是協會為紀念他逝世而設立的文化獎,1989年起每年由日本皇室頒發。獎項分為「繪畫」、「雕塑」、「建築」、「音樂」、「劇場/電影」五種。
Date Created
June 23, 2019
Spatial Coverage
Pingtung, Taiwan