Sea of Orange Daylily 金針花海


Sea of Orange Daylily 金針花海
Professor Hui Cheuk Kuen, Desmond (許焯權教授)
I was travelling alone in East Taiwan and wanted to catch the beautiful bloom of Orange Daylily (otherwise also known as Golden Needle Flower) to the south of Hualian. This flower is called Hemeracallis in Greek (hemera – day and kalos – beauty) which means “one day of beauty”. Thus the flower will only bloom from dawn till dusk. According to the Chinese herbology Compendium of Materia Medica, the flower is called Xuancao, also known as Nepenthe (a plant medicine to forget sorrow). There are three famous spots to enjoy the flower bloom in Taiwan, two in Hualin and one in Taitung County: in Haulian, Chike Shan in Yuli and Liushidan Shan in Fuli Township; in Taitung, Taimali Shan in Jinfeng Township. My very first trip to see Orange Daylily was in Chike Shan at full bloom and I could not help making this sketch on the spot with my folding stool amidst the tourists.

我單獨在台東旅行,目的是去看金針花海。金針花,希臘文原名是”一天的美麗”,因為花只開一天,故又名”一日美人”。《本草綱目》稱它為萱草,又名忘憂草,是男兒離鄉別井時種給母親的象徵花。臺灣最著名賞金針花的景點有三處,兩處在花蓮,一處在台東県: 即花蓮玉里鄉的赤科山和富里鄉的六十石山; 台東金峰鄉的太麻里山。我第一次是到赤科山看金針花海,正當盛開的季節,面對遍山橙黃的壯觀,忍不住馬上在遊人如鯽的現場坐下來紀錄了這一刻的印象。
Date Created
August 30, 2014
Spatial Coverage
East Taiwan, Taiwan
Site pages
Part I