Lake Louise 露意湖


Lake Louise 露意湖
Professor Hui Cheuk Kuen, Desmond (許焯權教授)
For many people, this might not be an unfamiliar sight: the famous Lake Louise in Banff, Canada. A search on the web reveals hundreds of paintings already done with this “super” gaze. I have indeed been immersed in this real scene in many trips to the place before but this was the first time I had a go with painting it while watching my boys canoeing in the water – hence the subject of many boats on the lake. My early fantasy of Lake Louise interestingly came from a Chinese love story novel of the same title written in 1978 with the following beautiful description of the place:

“Why is this lake so colourful? Across the lake is pink green, in the middle, emerald green and nearer the shore, dark green; one can even see the white pebbles on the bottom… How I wish to jump inside and embrace a rainbow of full colours!”


「這湖為什麼如此多彩?對岸是粉綠,湖心是翠綠,近岸則是透明的墨綠,還看得 見湖底白色的石卵……我多想投入湖中,摟抱滿懷彩麗的虹!」
Date Created
July 4, 2018
Spatial Coverage
Lake Louise, Canada
Site pages
Part I